Day 27:  Lists

I love a good list. There is nothing like making a long list of things to do and crossing them off! The feeling of accomplishment is so rewarding. So naturally, when getting ready to go on vacation, I make a very detailed list of everything I could possibly need while away to ensure I leave nothing behind. Unfortunately the list is no longer needed, but since I am a planner, I have had my list done for a couple weeks, thus I will share…

From the too long list of clothes to

Bathing Suit

Cover Up








Sheet (Yes, I travel with my own sheet.)



Credit card


Phone Charger

I have it all crossed off and I am ready to hop on the jet plane where I will be Mexico bound! 


5 thoughts on “Day 27:  Lists

  1. A list of loss. We will have more summers, more trips, and more suitcases to pack. I hope you are safe and healthy at home.


  2. It’s going to be virtual tours this week. Time to start watching the travel channel or use the district list of virtual tours. We won’t have to worry about eTeaching next week 🙂

    We were supposed to go to Ohio to visit family. Even that has left me in Illinois. Although all under home restrictions, we are afraid to travel too far from home. Hopefully this summer.


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